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My Background 

James Martinez 

I have heard myself referred to as uniquely gifted by those who translate my horsemanship as an exclusive ability that cannot be taught.

I agree that by the choice of God I am gifted in the fact that from the time I was a boy I knew all I wanted to be was a horse trainer.

I survived the dubious blessing of being born into a family of old school horsemen that taught me to never quit. At the age of 3 My Father and Grandfather would put me on my pony waiting for the inevitable teachable moments when I hit the ground . Get back on and don’t cry was their style of discipline towards life and horsemanship.

My grandfather made us a roping arena where all of my uncles and cousins would practice but none more than me. I didn't know when to quit. My family would have to make me give the steers a break and when they did I was roping everything in sight just to be as good as the men I looked up to. 

I played basketball, football and baseball in high school. On a bet I rode a bull and was good enough to attend college on a rodeo scholarship. But nothing has ever replaced my love of horses in fact I have never been away from horses for over a couple weeks in my life.

Everything in my life has been about learning and improving my horsemanship skills. While other kids were watching Sesame Street I was watching a tape by John Lyons and  dreaming of Road To The Horse and how I would be there someday. I literally immersed myself in horsemanship. Not coming from a place of financial wealth you have to get creative but you also get a unique perspective. I methodically studied the famous trainers I admired Ray Hunt, Buck Brannaman, Tom Dorrance and John Lyons, Among others outside of my immediate family my real life mentors were  Nalberto Navarrete, for sharing with  me the vastly unknown fundamental basics of breaking horses on the open ranges of Texas ranch country vs a controlled environment,  

Jesse James McGinley , Jess taught me the value of collection and suppleness

Ed Murphy who put all the information together for me by taking softness and suppleness to a whole other level by teaching me to listen and refine my physical communication with the horse into a conversation.

Even though I have not received the phone call for Road To The Horse it's ok because my program gives me confidence and that is all. 

Group Photo of 2019 Appalachian Trainer Face Off

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Image of James Martinez by Glenn B Photography James Martinez on a reining horse
James Martinez Worlds Greatest Horseman Entry # 54

2020 Worlds Greatest Horseman 

2019 Appalachian Trainer Face Off

2018 Snafflebit Futurity

2018 Players Choice Mustang Makeover

2017  Extreme mustang makeover Ft Worth Texas

2017 Snaffle Bit Futurity Cinch Kiss

2018 Mustang Challenge 


2014 Extreme Mustang Makeover 

You get the idea 

Every day is just the 

Just the beginning

James Martinez Cutting a Cow riding Cinch Kiss
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